FAQs about the Churches of America
- Churches are a $150 Billion Market.
- 50% of Americans attend church once a week.
- You may reach over 150,000,000 people through the Churches of America.
- Average Church attendance is 220.
- If you add all of the members of Mega churches together that would represent the 3rd largest denomination.
- Over 60% of Americans donate to a church.
- Churches are changing from traditional services to a praise and worship informal service.
- The Church Building Boom Continues.
- Seeker Churches are the fastest growing churches in America.
FAQs about the Churches of America
- Evangelical......66.5%
- Mainline......22.7%
- Independent......19.8%
- Charismatic......11.4%
- Catholic......5.9%
- Seeker......1.4%
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